Sunday, February 9, 2014

Fight Fatigue: Live with Vibrancy and Energy

Feeling fatigued and unfocused has become a way of life for most of us.  Drowning under stress and responsibilities, we have become a nation of lethargic bots fighting brain fog and exhaustion with shots of caffeine and spoonfuls of sugar just to make it through the day. Naturally, these artificial jolts make it even more difficult to wind down at the end of the day, when it is time to go to sleep.  It’s a vicious cycle guaranteed to leave us physically and mentally spent.
We do not have to live like this.  The good news is that you can choose to live a better, healthier life every day, without the fatigue and sleep deprivation.   Here are seven ways you can banish fatigue and improve your quality of life right now.
1.  Begin each morning with a few gentle stretches to get the blood pumping, open blocked energy pathways, reduce pain and energize you for the day.   Move your shoulders, legs and back.  This will stretch muscle tissue and restore more blood flow throughout the body, waking it and energizing it without artificial stimulants.
2.  Eat a good, balanced breakfast every day to boost your body and brain power.  Protein and fat are essential for energy, and a large, healthy breakfast is exactly what your body needs.  Need something quick?  Try a morning smoothie packed with healthy fats, proteins, nutrients and phytonutrients you need to fuel your day.
3. Take  BiomaxX Energy Nutrition patented supplement for sustained energy all day long.  Specially formulated to increase alertness, elevate mood, improve physical stamina and enhance your overall sense of well-being, BiomaxX Energy Nutrition keeps you going with long lasting energy that will not  disrupt your sleep, but may actually improve it if vitamin deficiency is contributing to insomnia.
4. Take mini mind and body breaks throughout your hectic day.  A few minutes of walking around, clearing the mind, deep breathing exercises or listening to a bit of relaxing music before you resume your work can do wonders to re-energize you.  The time-out will help calm your body and brain, slow down your heart rate and allow you to get back to a feeling of well-being in just minutes.
5. Make sure you do not skip lunch.  Eat a healthy lunch.  Skipping the meal or eating like a bird will not adequately fuel you through the afternoon’s labors, so eat a nourishing lunch that includes wholesome, unprocessed ingredients, lean protein, good fats and vegetables to help you maintain alertness. Lunchtime is when your digestion peaks and your body burns calories most efficiently.
6. Get up from your seat every now and then to connect with people in person instead of via e-mail. Practice Ubuntu.  Ubuntu is an African term that means what makes us human is the humanity we show each other. It is a worldview that sees humanity as a community or a family, rather than a bunch of individuals. When you begin to relate to people around you in this way, you will feel more connected and energized.
7. Learn to power down your body, mind and home in preparation for a goodnight’s sleep.  Turn in early and turn off all electronics in the bedroom.  Cover any glowing lights you see. Light can stop your melatonin levels from rising, which is what you need to fall sleep and reach the deep restorative sleep your body requires to function well.  If you cannot darken your bedroom completely, wear a sleeping eye mask or add blackout curtains to the windows to darken the space.

Click here to learn more about Biomaxx Energy Nutrition, the only patented energy drink.

Biomaxx Energy Ready to Drink
Biomaxx Energy Concentrate
Biomaxx Vit B-12 Methylcobalamin Sublingual Spray
Biomaxx Super Lipotropic Complex

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